SBRS Represented on the VDI Railway Technology Advisory Board

Thomas Milewski, Managing Director of SBRS GmbH, has been appointed to the VDI Advisory Board for Railway Technology. The VDI – Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V. – the Association of German Engineers, is Germany’s largest technical and scientific association with around 135,000 members.

A constantly growing volume of traffic, in combination with increased environmental requirements, have made rail an important element of the transport system. A complex system of this kind calls for interdisciplinary engineers to cover the numerous fields of technology. The core objective of the VDI Railway Technology Division is to support and promote the railway system as a whole, encouraging innovative developments.

Thomas Milewski studied electrical and mechanical engineering after completing vocational training as an electronics technician for energy systems at the Deutsche Bundesbahn; he has since held positions at a number of companies in the railway industry and is looking forward to putting his many years of experience to good use, contributing to the activities of the VDI.